Lenzerheide Biking

So, determined to get over my north shore issues we went the Lenzerheide (another resort on our TopCard lift pass). Reason behind going to Lenzerheide? It has a newly opened Bike Skills Park.

The Bike Skills park has a family trail which is great for getting over northshore fears (it includes a couple of runs plus some practice features), a slopestyle section with some more serious northshore and jumps into wall ride burns, a pump track and dirt jumps.

John went up onto the freeride trail and I stayed down on the skills park (because the skills park is at the bottom of the lift its free to use), I knew today was the day I was going to get over this stupid fear I have, and I did, first time round just ploughed over the northshore – slowly but I did it, next time round I went faster and actually peddled on the northshore (I was impressed with myself), only issue was doing this in 30 degree heat was a little hot. At the end of Johns runs he’d come and join me in the skills park – as there is something for all levels, John spent his time on the slopestyle leading to the drops.

After spending the morning on the skills park, we went to the summit of the bahn for lunch. Looking out at these amazing views.

After lunch, John rode the Trek Bike Attack route down to midstation, I on the other hand got the bahn back to the midstation then it was time to actually tackle the Era Vedra freeride run 🙂

From Lenzerheide’s website

“Die Strecke ab Mittelstation Scharmoin (1906 m.ü.M) ist mit einigen neuen Elementen ergänzt worden. Die blau – rote Strecke kann dank der “Chickenline” auch durch Einsteiger befahren werden. Für geübte Biker gibt es immer wieder die Möglichkeit links oder rechts einen Sprung zu nehmen.”

which via a goggle translate is

“The route from Central Station Scharmoin (1906 m) has been supplemented with some new elements. The blue – red line, thanks to the “Chicken Line” are also accessible by beginners. For experienced mountain bikers there is always the possibility of left or right to take a jump.”

The start of the trail was quite difficult but it got better as the trail went on, it was just more rockier than I’d imagined, but I got down it (via the Chicken Lines) and actually really enjoyed it.