Homemade energy bars

2 cups oats
2 cups cereal
1 cup each filler (nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, etc.)
1 cups sweetener/binding agent (corn syrup if you’re a cash-strapped bike racer, maple syrup if you live in New England, and agave nectar or brown rice syrup if you shop at Whole Foods)
3/4 cups peanut butter
salt to taste

Heat the sweetener and peanut butter over medium and combine the remaining ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Stir in the heated sweetener mix, pour into a large square pan, and let it cool.

I slice each batch up into 2-inch-by-2-inch squares, each of which delivers about 250 calories and 40 grams of carbs, a perfect dose of energy for 60 minutes on the bike.

